You can find all documents certifying Torriani Gianni’s quality and production standards in PDF format. For terms of sale and code of ethics email us.


In 1998, the Company always looking for evolution started the project of Quality Certification according to the standards of ISO 9001-2015 with the aim of Growing to respond more and more to the Qualified Market needs.

This certification is valid for the following application field:

Design and manufacture of basic ball bearings (IAF: 18)

packaging identification

The purpose of this operating instruction is to provide guidance about the identification of packaging used by Torriani Gianni so that all interested parties are informed about the type of packaging in compliance with the relevant regulations EU2018/852 and Legislative Decree No. 116 of September 3, 2020 (in amendment to Article 219 paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of April 3, 2006).

TorrianiGianni is committed to providing the information regarding packaging coding to make the user aware while providing clear directions for the proper disposal of end-of-life packaging.

quality policy

The Directorate (DIR) is committed to constantly defining, documenting, transmitting, and supporting toward all

members of the organization this Quality Policy, which focuses on the satisfaction of both customers and workers, but also of the institutions/bodies in the area, Universities, Trade Associations, Provincial Administrations, Municipalities, Companies, … being part of our Customer System.

It is the policy of our company to operate in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, through a System

Certified Quality Management System as an effective business management tool and provide Customers with Services in

in line with the customer’s own needs